The first quadrant in the TaoSquare is Business. Managing a successful business is knowing what you do well but also knowing where you need to be in the future to take advantage of changes in the environment and opportunities that are thrown up. The four elements of the Business quadrant are: Where are we now | Where do we want to be| What is the opportunity | How do we get there.


Brand is the corner of the TaoSquare that develops first the alignment of the business and innovation work into a format so that the second phase of brand positioning and  phase of brand design can take place. Lastly, there is the development of a brand experience philosophy.

Innovation makes up the second corner of the TaoSquare with the quadrant of; concept development in workshops; iterations of new products and improved products, services; production of actual physical and digital samples that can be evaluated and tested and; fourth, the Ah Ha moment when new innovation can be presented to the board.

Brand experience is the fourth corner of the TaoSquare that completes the loop. The brand lives in the minds and hearts of consumers and customers. Experience is not just offline or online, It is a pervasive relationship with the brand across all its touchpoints. It is also vital to work on the brand inside the organisation so that employees and all stakeholders live the brand and feel part of the journey.

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